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Candidates needed for Local Government Study Committee


Candidates Needed to Serve on the Town of Bainville Local Government Study Commission

In the June 4th Primary Election, the citizens of Bainville voted (23 to 19) to elect a commission to conduct a Local Government Review Study. The purpose of the study commission is to review the existing form of powers of government and compare them with other forms available under the laws of the State of Montana.

Under Section 7-3-177, MCA, the Town of Bainville must submit three (3) to form the commission by August 12, 2024, and members will be elected at the November 5, 2024, General Election.  The commission must consist of voters who live within the city limits.  Elected officials may not participate in this commission study.  Training and direction will be available by the MSU Local Government Center.

If nobody volunteers, the Town Council will appoint (3) to form the committee.

Please contact Billie Jo Cochran at Town Hall or call (406) 769-2621 for more information.